WCK SAFE Car Cruise
WCK SAFE Car Cruise
Sign of our time’s - WCK SAFE Car Cruise, a bright spot for sure. For a few months now there has not been much going on in California with everything on locked down, businesses closed, no car shows, events being canceled. Kinda of a drab time as we wait until California opens back up.
One of the best Cars and Coffee events around that has been temporarily canceled is Ronnies Morning Get Together. There are car clubs that do remarkable things for their community as we all see thru social media. This is what Ronnie does for his community he is always doing good and helping someone out. So what’s a man like this going to do when he can’t bring everyone together for Ronnies Morning Get Together during our California lock down. He organizes the SAFE Car Cruise so the community can get together safely in their cars and go on a cruise.
By looking at the photos you will see a little slice of our times as we try to recover from all the bad news that hits us everyday lately.
I try to keep photos on a post to around 20-30 as we can only take in so many photos at one time before we stop seeing the cars for what they are and just start seeing them as photos on a screen. I feel this event was a little different. Enjoy!
Being lock down in our homes for so long, and seeing all these cars driving by was just breathtaking, it really hit home when I seen this Model A drive by with the American Flag blowing in the wind and the couple waving as they drove by, it was like a sign that we are going to pull out of this mess and everything is going to be ok.
WCK SAFE Car Cruise
Slide Show - 24 photos

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