Brentwood Cruise
Sign of our times, as these cool cars drive by sometimes you will notice something a little different than in months past, well prior to March of this year. With all the organized car events that have been canceled, classic car owners had enough just sitting at home and waiting for all the car related events to open back up, so they just start their own event most of the time it would be a cruise event like Brentwood Cruise Night. These cruise events a getting more and more popular as we all wait for California to fully open back up and start allowing the organized car events to take place again.
Brentwood Cruise over the weekend very much reminded me of cruising down McHenry Ave during Graffiti Night back in the day, with Alice Cooper’s Schools Out “For Summer” blaring out of my friend’s F1 truck. I think that was our schools end of year commencement song since it came out in ‘72, with my group of friends anyway, probably still is now in 2020. We would pile in the F1 truck with 2 in the front seat and 4 of us in the bed of the truck and make our journey down to Modesto (should have worn a long sleeve shirt, the things you remember)
1929 Ford roadster - Brentwood Cruise
It’s great how a group of people (car enthusiast) can get together for a great time it doesn’t matter what kind of car you are into, whether it’s a low rider, hot rod, muscle cars or 4x4’s. We are all there to have a great time and that’s what we did and that’s what we do at all car related events, as a spectator or participant, I would not hesitate to bring the family to any of them.
Camero and Firebird - Brentwood Cruise
There was a nice selection of rides at the event, one that got my attention was a 4x4 that you need a ladder to get in to (pic in slide show at the bottom) I’m thinking he probably doesn’t get pulled over too often as the cop would need to stand on top of his patrol car just to talk to the owner. It was also my first time seeing a big rig on a cruise now that was a cool site to see. We are all hoping that everything get’s better soon in California and the organized car events open back up, especially looking forward to RPM Nationals and Eagle Field Drags to get going again, until it then we will enjoy events like Brentwood Cruise. Also looking forward to the next Brentwood Cruise.
Slide Show - 21 Photos

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