Perfect place to see these charismatic cars
Woodies on the Wharf - Perfect place to see these charismatic cars
Santa Cruz beach board walk and pier is a wonderful place along the California Coast that my grandmother would take my mom when she was a kid and same place she took us as kids during summer break, continuing on with the generations with my kids.
It’s also the home of the Woodies on the Wharf car show that is held right on the pier. Perfect place for a woodies car show, the woodies are right at home in Santa Cruz as the woodies are known for their heritage with the surfing culture and Santa Cruz being an ocean town.
Not just a car show - Lots to do at Woodies on the Wharf
Woodies On The Wharf car show draws thousands of people to Santa Cruz to see over 200 of these unique cars lining the pier. Not only do you get to see lot’s of cool cars there are much more things do while visiting the show.
The pier has plenty of restaurants, gift shops and while you explore the pier, you can check out the seals down below and see what people are catching while fishing off the pier.
Bring the whole family and after the checking out the cool cars take and walk down to the beach and cool off in the Pacific Ocean, then head over to the board walk and catch a ride on the old historic wooden roller coaster The Big Dipper or one of the other cool amusement rides.
Future Woodies On The Wharf events will be featured on our blog
Woodies On The Wharf - Slide Show - 22 Photos