Draggin’ Old Town
This should be the future of car shows
Draggin’ Old Town Clovis… Fun… Fun… Fun…
There is definitely a place for the traditional car show, almost all of them are held for a charity which brings in much needed money for them and the spectators that come out certainly enjoy seeing the cool classic cars. But there should also be a place for events like the Draggin’ Old Town Clovis event that was spear headed by the Hot Rod Coalition the event started at 6:30 until you leave. It was very fluid, you come and go as you please, cruise around the old down town, park and check out other rides such a cool peaceful event It was a blast to attend. This is how car show events should be especially if they are as peaceful and family friendly as Draggin’ Old Town Clovis was, which most if not all car related events are very family friendly
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Old Town Clovis California
Draggin’ Old Town Clovis, This is how car show events should be
This event was surely a much needed boost to Old Town Clovis. The few businesses that were open serving food or beverages must of loved the patronage of the car enthusiasts, also the business that were not open due to the California shut down will benefit as I’m sure that this event will open a lot of people’s eyes to the Old Town Clovis area that may have never been there before. It looked like a nice area to come back and visit once California fully opens back up.
Draggin’ Old Town Clovis, Good times during not so good times
Clovis California cruising Pollasky in a roadster, doesn’t get much better than this
From afar you might see California as one state, if you were a little familiar with California you might see it as 2 area’s Northern CA and Southern CA, but California is huge it’s like multiple states in one. There is Northern CA, the Northern Central Valley, Southern Central Valley and Southern CA and even the SF Bay Area all of these places are very distinct, diverse and far from each other, each of these area’s could be a State in its self, as some in the very Northern CA consider their area to be it’s own state, the State of Jefferson. California is about 800mi from the very north to the very south it’s about a 12hr drive with no traffic, add in the traffic and you might as well stay the night half way though your trip, maybe Clovis would be a great half way point, Clovis is great community in the Southern Central Valley
Hope they will have another event like this real soon, the Southern Central Valley is really rich in the car culture, there are always cool classic cars and hot rods at all of the car related events in the Southern Central Valley like Valley Nationals or Eagle Field Drags. It would be great to have more of these types of “car show” events like Draggin’ Old Town all over California.
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Draggin’ Old Town
Hot Rod Coalition Event
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